Herzog-Friedrich-Straße 25, A-6020 Innsbruck +43 (0)512 - 589388 | Fax +43 (0)512 589388-30

apotheke oesterreich logo

Our Service

Benefit from our specialist knowledge ::

Look no further for answers to questions on medications, interactions and applications of medicines, dietary supplements and remedies. We can also advise and support you in the areas of homeopathy, Schuessler salts, Bach flower remedies, herbal products, teas, tinctures, travel precautions, booster vaccinations, cosmetics, veterinary medicines, alternative therapies, medicine cabinets for the home and the workplace, and blood-pressure measurements.

Advice and fast service ::

Having been based in central Innsbruck for centuries, our service is tailored for speed. Items not held in stock can be procured in a few hours; products from Germany can be supplied the next working day. For other foreign medicines, we can refer to our international medicines database and offer you alternative products of equivalent composition.

Tradition ::

Founded by the local prince in 1326, Stadtapotheke Winkler has been in the family's possession since 1578.



Opening times ::

Monday – Friday from:
8am to 6pm

Saturday from:
8am to 12pm

Sunday and public holidays:
see pharmacy calendar

Own-brand cosmetic ::

kosmetik eigenmarke

i n d i v i d u a l   g i f t s

Cosmetic from the pharmacy ::
Our own brand friendly to skin is popular with ladies as with men.
Ideal also as a present for your loves!

Our best seller:
50 ml only EUR 9.85

Wichtige Rufnummern ::

Rettung T 144
Polizei T 133
Feuerwehr T 122
Bergrettung T 140
Apothekenruf T 1455

T (0)512 – 406 43 43–0

Notarzt Wochenende
T (0)512 – 36 00 06